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Hello Kitty.
Manchester United.
My Kettle. <3

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

had a fabulous dinner at cafe cartel.
nt becoz of the food.
but becoz of the ppl whom i ate wif.
meng n wei.

n i gave my handmade gift to bro!
glad he was touched to receive it
coz i saw the tears in his eyes.

i guess my hardwork n effort were paid off.

n we snapped lots of pics tgt!
using my phone's camera,
my digi camera,
n bro's phone's camera.
it was realli funny coz i realised
all the pics we took werent of much diff.
juz dat the 3 of us were v fussy.
especially wei.
she was the outright A student for New Media.

yao came to join us aft our dinner
n we chatted at cafe cartel till near 11pm.
there were so much to talk
even though we've been talking so much alr
for the past two years.

the tot of leaving them for months
juz made me feel like giving this trip a miss.
but i noe i cant.

the only right thing for me to do
is to keep in touch wif dem
n stay strong during these few months.
shouldnt make them worry for me.
i shall return wif a smile.
n a grin dat's so so wide.
n say it out loud,
“ 我回来了!”