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Sunday, June 29, 2008
gosh ppl! i went to STEAKKING ytd! n i cant wait to share wif u guys my wonderful meal over dere! one big JUG of 红茶/绿茶。
(im an anti-corn soup person but the corn soup we had was simply different coz it was much more tastier!)
after all the side dishes,
well, i ordered CHICKEN CHOP actually but therefore the pic i took was SIRLOIN STEAK drink + garlic bread + salad + corn soup + fruits + MAIN DISH = ??? u muz be tinking how much this meal would cost a BOMB right? NAH. u are so wrong. drink + garlic bread + salad + corn soup + fruits + MAIN DISH = 29 RMB NETT! 29 RMB is like even lesser than $6! arrr! im so TOUCHED, are u? after a satisfying n sumptuous meal at STEAKKING,
this is MIAOoo wif the extremely LLLOOOUUDD drum set! i realli cant imagine Jinli playing Time Crisis... so sorry guys, i didnt manage to snap any Jinli's 经典 pics
oh well. it doesnt matter. *7 days before Jess returns!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
我不得不承认时间过得非常快。 机场离别的画面还深深地在我脑海里, 仿佛就像是刚发生一样。 我相信大家都迫不及待想回家, 我何尝不想。 但一想到即将离开杭州, 我心里还是有那么的一丝不舍与无奈。 毕竟在杭州逗留了一段时间, 渐渐地对此地有了归属感。 现在正处于十分矛盾的状态, 既兴奋又不舍, 真的不知该如何调整自己复杂的心情。 我不禁想起了亲爱的家人和朋友。 在中国的这段日子里, 我与家人和好友都有保持联络。 我非常感激主动与我联系的朋友, 至少我知道他们心里还挂念着我, 这让我感到十分安慰。 一通电话也好, 一则简讯也好, 一个msn也好, 我都很珍惜、很感激。 谢谢你们的关心, 谢谢你们的关怀, 谢谢你们的问候, 有太多太多的谢谢想要对你们说。 离开家人并不容易, 因为我太习惯了他们在我身边。 我一直以来都觉得自己很独立, 但是来到这里以后我才发现, 我真的需要我的家人。 不过我告诉自己我不能老是让家里人替我操心, 我必须懂得照顾自己, 懂得打理自己的事务, 学着慢慢长大。 我以自己为荣, 因为我觉得我成长了。 我更独立了, 我确定我自己能很好的照顾自己。 或许到中国留学并不完全是件坏事, 至少它让我看见了很多, 也学习了很多。 我会想念这里的所有一切。 灌饼、杂粮饼、小长今、茉莉、马桶餐厅、两岸咖啡 等等。 还有意义非凡的“茶风暴”。 除了吃的还有买的。 我在这里可说是收获不浅。 现在正在烦恼家里的衣橱有没有足够的位子。 我最想念的或许是陪伴了我这么多个月的……
它每晚都陪着我入眠, 这几个月的确过得十分充实, ![]() 10 more days before Jess returns! im bringing my dearest kitty lamp back too! geex.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
WHEE! 古文's exam is finally over! im celebrating though dere are 3 more papers to go. but all of us studied so hard for it. so i guess we should reward ourselves ya. Jinli n i rewarded ourselves wif our favourite... High class KTV over here in China. their Partyworld is v different from Spore's coz it's so much more grand! it's my 3rd time dere n i enjoyed it more than ever! 2 of us had a room size equivalent to e size given by KBOX for 6 persons, had free flow BUFFET which is YUMMY! , sang for near 4 hours, wif perfect environment n sound system whereby we had a mike each, n all we paid was.... 31 rmb per person! 31 rmb = $6! wif absolutely NO SERVICE CHARGE/GST! AWESOME isnt it? it was near 4pm when we finished K-ing n we were wondering where to go next. den Jinli gave the perfect suggestion - ARCADE! both of us hailed a cab n FLEW to our next destination! it was an UNDERGROUND ARCADE. cool eh?
so she decided to 挑战自我, pick up the hammer n started hammering the Cockroaches!
i seriousy dun wanna make her throw face here, den she went to play her ALL TIME FAV : she improved. take a look at her WAAA professional POSE: it's none other than 投篮! damn fun can! i saw this MONOPOLY game too! v interesting!
dere were murals in the arcade too! n i spotted this KAWAII drawing: thank u so much dar! ![]() *11 more days before Jess returns!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
yes. i am finally able to accept the truth. Portugal has bid EURO 08' goodbye.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
OH YES! i haf yet to show u guys pics taken during our last excursion: 绍兴。 we were all relieved to see comfy chairs she's Xueli! the v nice tour guide dat took us to Suzhou the other time. i took like 100 over pictures. but due to time constraint as i haf to revise for exams, i shall post just a few nice ones ya? these bells are realli awesome! u get to write ur wishes on them!
i forgot to mention dat it was a rainy day. Dampened our mood. some of us chose to BOAT! i was sitting opposite her WITHOUT umbrella! oh my. wet head+wet body+wet BUTT. but still i enjoyed my boat ride!
RICH LOR. den we went to his exhibition area n deres a pond area which i realli like! n i saw beautiful duckies! *Quack... Quack....Quack... if u wanna haf a cup of it, simply pick it up when it reaches u and 吟一首诗! n i got an ahpek to 提两首诗 for my dad n uncle using their chinese names. the poems were written on fans!
overall, i guess i enjoyed myself pretty much! |