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You can mail me at:
jessi_078@hotmail. com Alfred Student Amelia Student Annabel Carmen Student Cheng Yao DannyYeo Laoshi Daren Debbie HanYing Student HongYee Huiting Huiyuan Jasleen Jamie Student Jean Jeremy Joanna Jiaxian Jinli Liwen Liyi Laoshi Lynette Megan Student Miaolin Nicole Student Qian Lin Student Sheng Xue Shuang Ying Sok KianG Song Keat Soo Shan Tracy Foo Wayne Wendy YanZi Idol Yu Chih
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
DAMN. it's just less than 2 weeks away! y the hell do the Thais haf to ANTI their govt?! my dad came into my room an hour ago, raised his unhappiness bout me not informing him dat i'd be goin overseas n told me how chaotic Thailand is now. I KNOW DAT, dad. he said he's willing to pay for everything at all costs as long as he can get me to cancel my trip. of coz la. $ isnt a prob to him ma. DERE R SOME THINGS $ CANT BUY, dad. as much as i wan to go ahead wif the trip, i went online to check out some refunds matters. i wasnt pleased at all. though the refund fee is mere $40, but im still nt willing to pay it! n dats becoz I WANNA GO THAI WIF DA GE, HUA & WAYNE!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
ppl always ask me wad exactly do i QQ wif cao every single night. for 2 months we've been constantly QQ-ing n it seems like we nv run out of topic. n i always tell them we simply LAME thru the night. therefore i shall kill ur curiosity, let me gif u an example of how we LAME. it was alr 3am+ n he was asking whether im afraid or not... Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage. - Ralph Waldo Emerson I NEED COURAGE.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
ytd was CHS 中秋晚会! at first i was struggling whether to go or not. coz none of my NIE friends seemed interested. (tink Miao was the only enthu one.) but aft Wei's persuasion, i decided to go since it would be the last event for us in sch. n i was v delighted to hear dat Jinli n the rest were going too! ![]() n i was rather shocked to see dat female emcee's outfit. her stockings were so sexy. ![]() well nvm abt dat. lets take a look at their performances! the year 1s entertained me alot wif their SKITS! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a v sissy n 嗲 joker. he kinda haf a flexible body. ![]() we were supposed to guess our lecturers by looking at their photos taken when they were still young. so here they are: MRS CHOO! ![]() i wasnt able to recognise her frm dat picture. her eyes seemed shrunkened as she got older. oops. CHEN YING laoshi! ![]() but i tink she looked quite boyish when she was a small kid wif dat extremely short hair. dat was the HIGHLIGHT! everyone was like commenting he resembled 曹格! (during his younger days la.) n guess who's this? ![]() i tink her KEW MOR is realli at one's limits already. im sure u've seen her on TV too! she's none other than 刘诗璇! rmb 七彩学堂? she was the principal! she has taken over 阿亮's position, coaching our fellow juniors on drama. how wonderful, isnt it? afterwhich it was BUFFET time! my camera was finally put to use! KIRA! my fav junior frm PODDERS! ![]() snapping pics wif my dearests is a MUST! ![]() aft buffet KIRA n ZHIHUI sang us a song! us being the usual bunch of HYPERACTIVE ppl, we decided to CHAP JI KA n chionged up stage wanting to join in the fun! ![]() one representative frm each team had to MIAO out the song shown on screen n the rest of the team members gotta guess the songs. it may sound easy n simple, but to LALA out a song n to MIAO out a song is totally different! MIAO-ing is so not easy! bel on the other hand was v relaxed, smsing n smsing n smsing. ![]() see wad i mean.. (MIAOMIAO playing the MIAOMIAO game. how interesting.) ![]() it was finally our turn! having to decipher the MIAOssss just fills my brain wif question marks n more question marks! ![]() we were really high! ![]() i enjoyed rah-rah-ing on stage! most imptly we got to TEAM up as TO2 again! we rock! ![]() dere was another SKIT too aft our game! ![]() she taught us how to make 冰皮月饼! ![]() ![]() haha! Yao n i laughed our heads off! ![]() it was kinda different genre ... yvonne's video was screened WIDE. a video showing our Hangzhou's life. n tears just welled up in my eyes in less than 30 secs.
Monday, August 25, 2008
i just realised how much ive blogged on OUTSIDE delicacies, forgetting cleanly bout the daily dainty dishes at HOME. lets take a peep at wad i had for dinner todae, shall we? 1. Egg Fu Yong! bean sprouts, mushrooms, crab meat etc etc! 2. Sweet Potato leaves! (commonly known as HENG CHYE) ![]() n it definitely tastes better without the ikans! 3. Ketchup Prawns with onions! ![]() most imptly, mummy seems to haf her own way of making the big prawns succulent and tasty! 4. Chicken Nuggets! ![]() enthusiasm when served in front of my younger sis n bro. wad else, it's their all-time-fav! mummy knows just how to please our smaller ones! 5. Corn and Tomato Soup! ![]() but mummy's Corn n Tomato Soup is definitely a CANNOT MISS! it is super healthy wif all the corns, carrots n tomatoes in them! mummy = yummy! i swear i shall master the WOK OF LIFE
Sunday, August 24, 2008
it was a great Saturday for me! i told myself i MUST be out to enjoy n relax no matter wad! n so i decided to bring Nana for a movie! i always gif fullest support to local's production n thus we went for 12 Lotus since ive alr watched Money No Enough. i would say 12 Lotus was a great disappointment. nonetheless, those hokkien songs were worth watching or rather worth LISTENING. other than dat everything else was boring to me. after the not-so-fantastic movie, Nana n i went to HIP DINER USA since we were at Cine. Nana decided to haf "Meatballs n Prawns" because she doesnt really like steak. so here comes her extremely colourful main course... the mashed potatoes were to her liking as well. wads for me den? i had "Surf n Turf" which was made up of Steak n Fish. dere were mashed potatoes n leafy-s too. ![]() coz seriously the steak could be better. dere was a promotion for Citibank cardholders too. whee!
we made our way to Wisma's Royal Sporting House Nana said she wanted to get some albums it was a long day spent wif Nana it was really a terrific day spent wif dearest Nana *一个月的感动让我重新认识幸福。
Friday, August 22, 2008
alright. dat marks the end of women's single Table Tennis. Li Jia Wei was beatened by Guo Yue eventually. i was really hoping for Li Jia Wei to get another medal for Spore. but i guess Guo Yue is really formidable. well, i tink Li Jia Wei played real well this time round n i was glad she didnt get thrashed. all in all, IM SO PROUD OF OUR TABLE TENNIS TEAM! anw i had a great day ytd! wif my Bestie Bel! we went to BIG O! it was my 2nd visit n i was ushered to the exact same seat. i guess dat seat was meant to be mine. not to mention it was the same person who ushered me. haha. dumb me forgot to bring my camera out n so the pics of my food n dessert were taken using Bel's. n i haven had a chance to get frm her. i had foiled pork chop meaning my pork chop was served wrapped in aluminium foil. so i was like WAA-ing while opening up the foil, inquisitive bout wad i would see inside. gosh cant believe im behaving just like a kid. dat wasnt the highlight. the highlight was none other than SPIKE D! rmb i blogged bout it before? the domed shape cake wif chocolate on the outer surface n durians on the inside? YUMMY YUM! it tasted FABULOUS just like the 1st time i had it! bel likes it alot too n she couldnt resist the temptation so she DABAO-ed one home. geex. FINALLY weekend has arrived which means i dont haf to wake up early in the morning, take a bus or dad's car to mrt station, take train frm tamp to boonlay mrt station, alight n walk till the far end of boonlay interchange, board 199, climb the 100 steps stairs, just to attend classes! seriosuly i dont noe exactly how long more i can tahan but i shall persevere. all the way Jess! n also gambatte to all u guys out dere! geex. =)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
YOU'RE THE INSPIRATION -Chicago- You know our love was meant to be The kind of love that lasts forever And I need you here with me From tonight until the end of time You should know, everywhere I go You're always on my mind, in my heart In my soul, Baby You're the meaning in my life You're the inspiration You bring feeling to my life You're the inspiration Wanna have you near me I wanna have you hear me sayin' No one needs you more than I need you And I know, yes I know that it's plain to see We're so in love when we're together Now I know that I need you here with me From tonight until the end of time THERE YOU'LL BE -Faith Hill- When I think back On these times And the dreams We left behind I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get To have you in my life When I look back On these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me In my dreams I'll always see you soar Above the sky In my heart There will always be a place For you for all my life I'll keep a part Of you with me And everywhere I am There you'll be And everywhere I am There you'll Be Well you showed me How it feels To feel the sky Within my reach And I always Will remember all The strength you Gave to me Your love made me Make it through Oh, I owe so much to you You were right there for me 'Cause I always saw in you My light, my strength And I want to thank you Now for all the ways You were right there for me You were right there for me For always
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spore's Table Tennis team eventually lost to China's. it was kinda expected though there was a slight hope of us winning. well oh well, i still tink our girls put up an excellent performance though there were mistakes here n dere. afterall it's China we are talking about. indeed our girls deserve our cheers n applause for making it all the way to the Finals n most importantly, for being able to clinch a Silver medal aft the cold 48 years. Olympics aside, i wanna SCREAM out loud dat ive juz completed the lamest-pointless-meaningless assignment! correction. it is not an assignment. it is in fact a blog entry! now tell me, isnt blogging supposed to be fun writing n enjoyable? den y did i feel like i was on the verge of dying?! it was such a damn blardy effing irritating piece of work! please. spare me from all the "六何提问法”、 “QAR寻找答案策略”and “六何设问学习策略”can?! i seriously haf no idea wadsoever regarding all these learning methods! nonetheless, i completed dat torturous entry wif the constant encouragements frm Cao. i feel so sorry for him for always having to listen to my complaints. i promise i'd make it up to him. last of all, many thanks to Miao for helping me send my file to Jinli n many many thanks to Jinli for uploading it to Blackboard. i hope my wireless stays healthy always.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
昨晚小曹说他要成为我一辈子的壁虎, 我听不太明白, 他就告诉了我一个故事: 在日本,发生了一件真实的事: 一个人为了装修房间,拆开了墙壁, 日式住宅的墙壁通常是中间架了木板后, 两边批上泥土,就是说墙壁是空心的。 他拆墙壁的时候,发现一只壁虎被困在里面, 它的尾巴被墙外钉进来的钉子钉住了, 动弹不得,它的身体贴在了墙体上。 那人见状,觉得好奇怪, 那钉子可是十年前他装修房子的时候钉上去的啊! 天哪!这只壁虎困在墙壁里竟然活了整整十年! 黑暗中的墙壁里的十年,一个步子也跨不出的壁虎, 到底靠什么支撑了十年?它是怎样生活的呢? 它靠什么维持生命呢?它怎样获取食物呢? 他于是暂时停止了装修工程,他要一探究竟。 过了不久, 不知从哪里又钻出来一只壁虎,嘴里衔着食物。 奥,原来是这样! 是另外一只壁虎十年间不停地寻找食物并衔来喂养这只被困的壁虎。 我被这个简单的壁虎故事打动了。 谢谢你,小曹。 我想我会是世界上最幸福的壁虎。 ![]()
Friday, August 15, 2008
im tremendously HAPPY today! becoz i witnessed our Table Tennis Woman's team's GLORIOUS MOMENT! n im now rooting for FENG TIAN WEI ! she's downright HOT! Could it be China? Or could it be Singapore?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tagged by MIAO =)
1) THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: - Jess - Jessica - Meimei (Family name) 2) THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE HAD: - Pinkyjess - Hellokitty - Jessica 3) THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: - Cheerful - Big eyes - Long lashes 4) THREE THINGS YOU DON’T LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: - Too chubby - Over sensitive - Shop too much 5) THREE PARTS OF YOUR HERITAGE: - Chinese - Pure Hokkien - Surname 郭 (i find it so classy.haha.) 6) THREE THINGS THAT SCARE YOU: - Family quarrels - Gaining weight - Bad hair day 7) THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: - Food (especially breakfast) - Internet - MSN and QQ 8 ) THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING NOW: - Hellokitty PJ - Hair band - Ear studs 9) THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS OR MUSICAL ARTISTS: - The Click 5 - Savage Garden - Carrie Underwood 10) THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS: - Not ready to make nice (Dixie Chicks) - Jesus take the wheel (Carrie Underwood) - Always (Bon Jovi) 11) THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: - Care n concern - Security - Understanding 12) TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: - I haf a happy family. - I am blessed wif superb frenz. - I am not a fan of Hello Kitty. 13) THREE THINGS ABOUT THE PREFERRED SEX THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU: - Big shimmering eyes - Humorous - Sweet 14) THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: - Shopping - Singing - Eating 15) THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: - Graduate from NIE - Fly to Bangkok right away - Reduce weight 16) THREE CAREERS YOU’RE CONSIDERING/YOU HAVE CONSIDERED: - Teacher - Open my own dress shop - Housewife 17) THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION: - Bangkok - Korea (济州岛) - Taiwan 18 ) THREE NAMES THAT YOU LIKE: - Tobias - Canphyllia - Cristiano 19) THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: - Build up my own family. - Haf a successful career. - Let my parents feel proud of me. 20) THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A BOY: - I am loud. - My actions are rough. - I love watching soccer. 21) THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: - I dress like a girl. - I have long hair. - I take notice of good looking guys. 22) THREE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE/GROUP IN YOUR LIFE: - Family - Friends - Bf 23) THREE FAVOURITE DRINKS: - Mocha - Peach Tea - Lemon Tea 24) THREE FAVOURITE MOVIES / ACTORS: - Too many great movies to name. - No particular fav actors. - Nil. 25) THREE FAVOURITE FOOD: - Desserts. - All Jap food. - Mummy's cooking. 26) THREE MOST COMMONLY USED PHRASE/WORDS: - I haf no idea. - I haf no idea. - I haf no idea. 27) THREE THINGS ON YOUR MIND RIGHT NOW: - When the hell can i graduate from NIE? - How do i tell KarGhun bout my overseas trip? - An hour more to my Birthday! 28) THREE PEOPLE YOU’RE TALKING TO NOW: - Andy. - Wendy. - Nil. 29) THREE THINGS THAT YOU’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: - Tmr's Birthday! - Graduating from NIE. - Having my own Family. 30) TAG THREE PEOPLE: - You. - You. - You. HEY YO ppl! haha actually nt realli la. my dad n bro helped alot by pumping the balloons n my dad did the climbings etc. ![]() wad de. this entry is specially dedicated to all my dearests frenz! i wanna thank every single one of my sweeties who came for my party! thanks bestie! i realli like ur framed handicraft n u noe wad, i always look forward to ur gifts every year! coz they nv fail to put a smile on my face! we've been besties for the past 2-3 years n i truly treasure the friendship dat we've built. muz tink of me EVERY night in China ya! thanks Dar! ![]() thanks for the effort u put in to fix those tiny puzzles tgt! i noe it's nt easy for someone wif such a big palm to hold onto such small puzzles. but U DID IT! thanks for always being so STEADY n im sure u noe i value dat alot. we shall graduate frm the disastrous NIE tgt! n tgt the 3 of us! (Jinli's hand realli SUUUPPEERR long can.) thanks for ur wonderful handmade book! got pages sumore! as i was flipping thru, memories of the happy times we shared tgt juz flashed across again n again. i will treasure these memories for sure. im sure u will attain wad u want in China n i believe u are gonna do so well! keep in contact ok! thanks BRO! ![]() thanks for the gift n the card which u wrote. (see the messy handwriting n i noe u held the pen.) im realli glad we survived thru so much tgt n i guess dats wad strengthens our friendship. prove to everyone else wad u are capable of in China alright? thanks YAO! thanks for being so thoughtful n 贴心 to get a new KINO card for me aft knowing dat mine has expired. u are the one whom i look up to n its always so heartwarming to learn dat u haf so much confidence in me. i treat it as form of self-encouragement n self-boost coz i noe at least deres sumone out dere who believes in me. we've been thru rainy days n sailed thru stormy seas, i tink dat juz proves how strong our friendship is n im sure it will always be. thanks fung! ![]() thanks so much for making the trip down n i realli like the shirt u wore! i tink u look absolutely dashing in it! i shall award u BEST DRESSED! dun gulp ur beer down so fast next time! haha. (but im sure u wun end up wif a belly like CHO de.) thanks MIAO! ![]() thanks for ur wonderful gift! i was like O-M-G when i received it coz it was the heaviest n largest! (u noe how size matters to those small kids right?) but most imptly i wan to thank u frm the bottom of my heart for being so supportive all these while n for always ending my day so happily! our late night QQ chats nv fail to lighten me up! its my turn to say U GO GIRL! whee! thanks PRIS! thanks for the gift as well! thanks for always being so NICE coz i tink u are the NICEST fren i haf! (dun ask me to define NICE coz NICE means realli NICE!) i adore ur unique eyelids too! ur COVER-EYES n NOT-SO-GLAM MOUTH action realli amuse me alot! thanks JAS! ![]() thanks for the gift u shared tgt wif Pris n Miao! thanks for always filling us wif so much laughter n i realli regard u as a DA JIE who will stand up for us when we are in trouble! ur righteousness is wad i look for in a fren too! May u n Zj stand strong as ever n i hope the two of u will 长长久久!JIAYOU! thanks DA GE! thanks for picking such great gifts! u are a DA GE whom i respect n SALUTE to! i appreciate the care n concern u've showered to me all these while n u are one of the few frenz who has NEVER disappoint me before. as a xiaomei of urs, i hope ive managed to bring u smile n laughter too! u rock! thanks JUNHUA! ![]() thanks for the gifts too! thanks for being so supportive of my family(erhem. u should noe wad i mean.haha) for such a long time. ur 明星脸 is wad i like most! 洪金宝and the latest 陶大宇! i realli hope u can become a top chef in future! den i can eat good food for FREE! thanks WAYNE! ![]() ![]() thanks ZHAI! ![]() thanks WANGYU! ![]() thanks CINDY! ![]() thanks to all my dearest above! many kisses! ![]() dere r also still quite a few whom i wan to thank(not in picture) who arrived at a later time. thanks MEI for making a trip down aft ur grandma's celebration. i guess we shared the most memories tgt. be it good or bad, they are all equally impt to me. seeing u so happily n fortunate wif Kale, im sure all of us feel happy for u. u are realli a blessed one, my dear. thanks SHUANG for the kitty mascara n lipgloss! so kawaii! thanks for coming down aft ur 爆唱会 n i seriously miss the good old days when we tonned tgt! i tink u are the best ton-ner ive came across so far! i realli hope 你快点找到好归宿(u will receive more gadgets), coz i wanna see u drowned in love river! thanks HUITING for always being so friendly n i like the way u present the real u! i like the way u do things, the way u work becoz u are always so responsible. (now u noe y u are always 班长, coz u realli haf wad it takes.) u are one happy-go-lucky girl whom i love mixing wif! thanks YVONNE for ur handmade craft n i love it so much! dats so sweet of u! i realli thank god for letting me noe u thru this China trip! till now im still missing our LOUD chats n LOUD singing can! my constant trips to ur dorm, completing the recreation room tgt n our outings definitely brought us closer n closer! we muz hang out real soon k! my 19th bdae was such a BLAST to me becoz i had all my loved ones wif me all tgt n under one roof! i felt so loved n so fortunate to haf them tgt wif me on such a special occasion (though nt the actual bdae itself) and i noe i couldnt ask for more. ![]() i wouldnt be who i am without u guys. 11/08/2008 todae is a post national day holidae! they are none other than.. Bestie Bel! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DO-IT-YOURSELF! ![]() insert cash thru this machine too! ![]() get ur butt off ur chair when u hear ur number being called. this is y SERVICE CHARGE is waived. save dat 17% (including gst) . time to savour our food! JINLI's! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() well aft our meal we shopped at far east n being tai-tais, HIGH TEA is a must! ![]() we go for highER tea this time! off to PS Cafe, Dempsey Road! ![]() we sat by the windows n it was AWESOME. there is even outdoor dining! ![]() the sour-y taste of berries goes well wif the sweet-y chocolate n the light taste of cheese blends both beautifully. ![]() it is named ULTIMATE for a reason. ULTIMATE sweetness n ULTIMATE fudgy. Fudge wif mashmallows n brownie at the bottom. if u go for SWEETy food, do gif it a try. ![]() generously filled wif fresh MANGOS! n comes wif a free scoop of ice cream! mango lovers, u musnt miss this! ![]() Rich taste of bananas! it comes in a pretty huge serving n is definitely worth the money! ![]() i like the chocolaty fudge at the base. tastes real good! ![]() i dun take mint. but Jinli said it was nice! ![]() ![]() i didnt gif it a try but the fizzy-ness makes it looks refreshing! ![]() now i realise Huiting was the only one realli drinking high TEA. ![]() pitch black on the outside. we left the cafe n i turned my head, only to realise how beautiful it is at night. ![]() i would then recommend u to PS Cafe. Located at: *im definitely nt in any way related to PS Cafe. |