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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
突然想起昨天在“Fish & Co.” 和二姐共进晚餐时我问的一个问题:“难道你不觉得我在poly的日子快乐很多吗?” 二姐点点头,表示赞同。 回想起一年半载在poly的日子,可说是有喜有悲。应该是喜来的多吧! 真得没有后悔自己踏入了中文系,认识了这帮好友、知己。他们让我的poly生涯多姿多彩,是他们丰富了我的人生。 我可以说是在poly成长的,因为到了poly我才慢慢察觉自己长大、懂事了许多。对于一些生存之道也好像渐渐地在改变。 或许我现在身旁的朋友都不会感受到我的转变,因为毕竟不认识以前的那个我。但没关系,因为还好他们认识的是现在的这个我。 感觉自己现在是个follower了,不再是以往那个leader。这个转变对我来说挺大的,我也体会到了两者之间的不同。可是我也明白,“A true leader is one who knows how to be a follower at times.”所以其实我也很享受当follower的感觉。 现在的我一点也不在乎荣誉etc。我所要的只是一个温暖的家庭、一群志同道合的好朋友,还有另自己满意的学业成绩。发现自己忽略了这3样重要的东西太久了,足足有4年那么久。现在我又重新把他们找回来,真是太好了! 我在中学虽然有名气、荣誉,但那又算得了什么?我终于明白要得到它们是必须付出代价的。所以现在到了poly我再也不想拥有它们了,我只想找回我失去的。我现在有一个很疼爱我的家人,有一群我很爱很爱的好友,也有我满意的成绩,what more can I ask for ? 人生就是要知足,生活才会快乐。当然这得靠自己努力换取。我从来都不曾为了他们打拼过,但我现在正在努力着。 我并不知道自己的转变是怎样的一个过程,也不知道自己是哪儿来的力量。但我觉得自己很幸运,因为相信I changed for the better。 人都会长大,或许我就是在踏入poly的时候长大的吧。思想还真的都不一样了。相信只有自己才真正了解那种转变的过程的感觉,是很难用言语形容的。 今晚不知为何感触那么深,或许是看了《校花校草,追赶跑》吧!让我不禁想到自己在理工学院的生活,还有在理工学院所经历过的点点滴滴,同时意识到了自己的转变。 转变未必是件坏事,因为它能让一个人感觉到自己人生的另一个开始。我并不是一个很爱变化的人,在餐馆通常都回点自己最常吃的食物,很少会尝试新的,因为害怕吃到不好吃的,然后才来后悔。 喜爱的东西也很少会有变化,就像自己老守着Hello Kitty,感觉就很幼稚。但是我就是不想改变自己心爱的东西,别人如果觉得我不成熟,那也就罢了,并不会把它放在心上。 但是我渐渐地了解到,有些转变是难免的,会随着年龄的增长而改变。就如人们常说的“some changes are inevitable.” 我从不后悔自己有了这样的转变,也很惊讶自己的生活改变了这么多。我只能说我近年来真的很努力、很努力……
Saturday, August 25, 2007
有点怪怪的。 近来, 真的很闲。 不是出门, 就是在家rot。 可是 快要去ubin了。 过后就要到厦门了。 就要开始忙了咯。 可是这个假期, 一定要过得有意义。 相信因该会不错啦。 到厦门都已经是个 很好的经验了。 第一次到国外作义工耶! 既兴奋、又紧张。 好啦, 真的不知道该写些什么了。 总而言之, 假期到现在 我都还蛮开心的。 没什么好抱怨。 所以就希望 假期就这样子, 愉快地度过。 下个星期五还受邀到 grand hyatt hotel 出席义安小学的 teachers' day dinner. 又得烦恼穿什么了。 晕。 *希望你们假期愉快哦!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
haven been blogging recently.
so here i am aft conlan test to blog! realli wanna thank those who came to my bdae party n thank u guys so much for making it suh a wonderful day for me. n double thanks to those who celebrated my bdae 'part2' for me at KBOX! realli enjoyed myself for dat 2daes n i hope u guys had fun too! n i wan to thank all u guys for ur wonderful gifts! special thanks to BEL for your '18 moments' coz it realli touched my heart. ive never received such a wonderful n meaningful gift ever in my life n im glad u are the first one! thanks for the effort uve put in n i juz wan u to noe dat i realli appreciate everything uve done for me. my poly life wouldnt be complete without u around bel. u rock! thanks so much jinli for ur stars made of love. the time spent to make those stars is definitely worth it coz i like it so much ya! guess i did lots of great things in my past life so i was given a chance to noe u n u never fail to make me smile. i promise i'll gif u lots of laughter everidae ok? thanks bro for ur meaningful keychain too. didnt expect u to gif me an individual gift so i was pretty touched. well, juz wan to say JIAYOU to u n thanks so much for always making me laugh. sry for suan-ing u all the time but ya, i juz cant help it. =) but no worries, i'll still continue to gif u my support n believe in urself too ya? thanks miao for ur pretty pink top n the cutie smiley balloon! haha! luv them alot n thanks so much for being so thoughtful. u noe wad, u are so cute dat i juz wan to pinch ur face la! n we'll be going zhejiang tgt! YAY! thanks weiting for ur handmade card! realli so sweet of u to make me such a prettty card! thanks so much weiwei! im glad i get to hang out wif u coz u never fail to improve my appetite! luv chatting wif u too! thanks jiaxian for ur cute n sweet card! omg its so pretty can! im realli glad to receive it n its amazing to receive ur cards every single yr without fail. words cant describe how much i truly love u n i treasure our frenship alot alot. though we dun get to see each other often for the past years, but our frenship is still as strong as ever. wonderful, isnt it? cant imagine how we got to noe each other since PRIMARY 3 till now. when i was 9 years old, n now im already 18! time flies but our frenship remains........... thanks yufung, peter n bro for ur lovely kitty bag n kitty watch! i reall ilike them! haha. admire guys who know how to choose the right present for girls! n u guys realli noe it man! pei fu pei fu! xiexie ni men !!! thanks to my buddies( u noe who u are) who gave me the leather kitty wallet! its realli pretty n sry to make u guys spend so much on the wallet coz i guess its expensive. i realli like it alot n dats y im alr using it now! its great carrying the kittywallet around coz it reminds me of u guys n u guys are the bestest frenz ive made in my 18years of life! thanks for being part of my life n i thank u guys so much for tahan-ing me all the while n showering me wif so much love! i love u all !!! i also wan to thank those who smsed/tagged me to wish me happy bdae. they are, huiwen, kira, shaun moo, ryan, alex, qian yu, cindytan, miaolin, bro, zhaijun, wei en, huiying, huiyuan, meesiam, zhihui, annabel, jinli, meimei, yuchih, annie, vivian, weiting yr3. thanks to these 22 lovely frenz of mine who took the time n effort to text me n most imptly for remembering my bdae! thanks to all who attended my bdae party. they are: bel, jinli, weiting, cindytan, meiting, chengyao, wangyu, zhaijun, bro, yufung, huiting, yuchih, miaolin, shuangying. thanks to these 14 sweet guys n girls for taking time off ur busy schedule n travelling all the way to my hse to attend my bdae party! thanks so much! =) i still wan to thank my family for organising a bdae party n making it so memorable for me. thanks for the huge kitty cake n all the kitty gifts uve all given me. thanks dad for putting up decorations n getting all the necessities for the party. thanks for ur angbao too ya. thanks mum for ur wonderful buffet n all dat uve done for this party. nt forgetting to thank u for ur angbao as well. thanks dajie, erjie, nana, daren for playing a part in making those delicious tarts n choosing the gifts for me! seeing u all getting busy for the party made me realised how much i mean to the family n how much im being loved. though i may nt be home most of the time, but no worries, my love for the family will always be home.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
everyone certainly did put up a fantastic performance todae! its exciting to see how ppl argue really. im jus so glad this argumentative presentation is OVER! did put in quite a bit of effort for this presentation. n im glad my effort was paid off. to be honest, this is the first time i feel so proud of myself. having lady luck by my side and with the support frm my frenz, my presentation was a success. special thanks to weiting, yao n bel for their great support. i realli appreciate it. =) without u guys, my presentation wouldnt turn out well. so i juz wan to say a big THANK U! phew. finally cleared this module. i would say "presentation skills in chinese" is one of the toughest module ive ever taken. it never fail to get all of us nervous. the preparation work before each presentation certainly kills. coz dannyyeo is one whom i tink put emphasis on the effort uve put n shown during each presentation. dats y i always try my best to do wad i can before presentation. but its always v last minute work i would say. coz i simply enjoy hugging buddha's leg. cant help it la. but at least got try to make full use of his leg ma. wow! tmr is national day! one of my fav occasions! coz i wan to shout out loud dat I LOVE SINGAPORE! n u noe, my brother acted as the Lion in dat sang nila utama's myth during his skit ytd. haha. funny sia. n my dad bought him a lion mask dats twice the size of his head! wonder how he survived wif dat lion mask ytd. but anw, juz wan to let u guys noe how much my family loves singapore. haha. Khek Family loves singapore as much as cheenas love china. HOORAY!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
marketing presentation is finally over! WHEE! so happy can. one more assignment down le! tink we didnt perform too badly la but it could be better. could tell bro was a lil nt satisfied but coz he realli put in alot of effort this time dats y. so i totally understand how he feels. anw i enjoyed the working process. though its realli tiring n brain-killing but i still like it! perhaps its the strong team spirit dat made me realli happy while working. i luv u guys so much! thanks to my wonderful group members! thanks bel for always calming us down when we panic. ur presence is really very impt to me in a grp proj. dont tink i can ever part wif u anymore. =) u musnt run away from me ok? thanks bro for spending so much effort in reading LKF's slides to make sure we use wad he taught. u never fail to make me laugh with all ur acts n words! this is the 1st time we're working tgt n i hope u ve enjoyed urself. thanks zhaijun for the wonderful photoshop skills! really hope u can score in new media wif it n do us proud ok? thanks for being so easy going too yea? well well, i realli luv u guys more than i can say. BIG CLAP to all of us ya?! the next presentation dats making me worry is no other than the Argumentative presentation. O-M-G can. but i noe we'll all survive sumhow de la. sumtimes i wonder how many assignments including presentations haf we completed. like wads the exact total number. im sure i would be v proud of myself coz i didnt DIE halfway. this sem is ending real soon. my xiamen trip is getting nearer but i haven even receive any mails regarding meetings n stuffs. wondering wads holding them back. im like so tired now. both physically and mentally. but i refused to sleep. coz its such a waste if i juz go to slp like dat. after so long, i finally can get to sleep at late hours without having to set alarm clock. and this time im turning in late because im slacking! not because im rushing assignments. simply enjoy this relaxed feeling dat im getting now. though ive blogged here, but i guess i'd be penning down sum of my personal thoughts in my diary as well. yea. i believe everyone has a dark corner in them which they dont wish others to step in. i used to tink dat i dont haf one but ya, i tink i found it. its dere but i juz didnt see it until now. well, nth great la. i juz need some personal space sometimes. alright, i shall vroom vroom off right here! tatas~ |